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فارسی عربي

Women’s role on agenda of Khorshid Filmfest’s sixth edition

Iran’s Khorshid Film festival to spotlight women issues

The 6th edition of Iran’s Khorshid Film festival will focus on women issues, in a special section.

“Women’s role and status in the family and society”, and “the entrepreneur ladies” are among the topics to be raised in the independent Filmfest.

Special awards are on agenda for the winners in the categories addressing women’s issues.

This year’s event will be held in Bandar Abbas, Hormozgan from September 11 to 15 with the message "Respect to Human and Nature".

Among some other categories, there is an international division involving "Review of the World's Best Experimental Short Films in Cannes Festival, 2016", and "Review of Experimental Short Films in World Cinema History".

The Filmfest comes as a special event for Independent, creative and Experimental Cinema in Iran.

